不久前之前, 兴都权宜组织在吉隆坡市中心发动了一场大集会, 抗议印裔社群在国家独立了50年来逐渐被边缘化的状况. 这号称有三万人的大集会被政府及警方视为非法集会. 警方更是在大集会当天出动了联邦部队(镇暴队) 以水炮及垂泪弹来镇压集会参与者. 这顿时成为了举国上下, 甚至是全世界的焦点新闻。
以上的事件直接的唤醒了人们对印裔在我国地位的关注. 无可否认, 印裔先贤在英军政府引进马来亚, 在分而治之的概念下大多数从事园丘劳工或是一些比较底层次的工作。 但经过了1969 年的事件,政府得知要成功治理一个多元种族的国家,就必须消除种族之间的隔阂,拉近彼此之间的经济鸿沟。所以政府在1970开始实行长达30 年的新经济政策,帮助弱势的一群进而对各族之间的经济概况作出调整。
新经济政策实行至今已37 个年头的今天,为什么印裔社群还得冒着被逮捕的危险,走出街头抗议本身被排挤在发展主流之外? 这是否意味着新经济政策的执行只是惠及某一部分的人,但却严重忽略了印裔社群的情况? 又或是另有原因呢?
在我国的执政联盟(国阵)中都各有代表华,巫,印以及一些少数民族的政党组成。照理说,在国阵协商精神的大前提下,各个民族之间的问题是可以通过其政党代表拿到这个运作机制中商讨并加于解决. 今天印裔社群走上街头抗议是否意味着印裔社群同胞们的下情不能上达呢? 又或者印裔代表们在政府机制中的声音还不够大? (但据我了解, 代表印裔社群的国大党在上届大选赢得了所有被分配到的国会议席) 又或者是现任的印裔领袖已经失去了为民族捍卫权益的那股魄力?
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Posted by
李義廉 (William Lee Ghee Liam)
1:46 AM
Monday, November 26, 2007
在不久前, 雪州州务大臣 Dato' Seri Dr. Mohamad Khir Bin Toyo 做了一个足以让全国公务员"震惊"的创举 - 赠送了一把扫把给乌雪市议会. 雪州大臣这项举动立刻受到某些政府高官的非议, 指责雪州大臣公开侮辱公务员.
对于雪州大臣赠送扫把的这项举动, 我并不认为应该受到非议, 反之更应该加以支持. 以正面的角度来看, 这把扫把应是被看成是公务员的一个警惕讯号. 从今以后在执行公务时务必须要打起万二分的精神, 纠正以往散漫的工作态度以便提高各个政府部门的工作效率. 这把扫把更是应该将那些屡劝不听, 死不悔改的公务员 "扫" 出公僕的行列, 以避免这些害群之马继续成为国家向前迈进的绊脚石.
古人有云: "无风不起浪, 事出必有因". 我深信做为一位先进州的领导人定当不会做出这种吃力不讨好又得罪公务员的举动. 想必雪州公务员的工作表现肯定是让州务大臣伤透的脑筋, 不得不以本身的政治前途作为赌注 "出此下策".
对于那些非议雪州大臣的那些政府高官, 我认为他们应该以更宏观的角度, 以整个国家发展为基础的思维来看待以上的事件, 不要一味以微观及狭隘的观点 发表其 "伟论".
Posted by
李義廉 (William Lee Ghee Liam)
6:38 AM
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Chiew Lian Keng, JP Cup Badminton Tournament 2007
MCA Youth Bandar Tun Razak Division, together with MCA Jalan Sarjana Branch & MCA Youth Jalan Sarjana Branch would be organizing the event. Details of the event are as follows:
Date : 28th October 2007 (Sunday)
Time : 8.00 am – 6.00 pm
Venue : The Challenger Sports Centre, Taman Connaught
Participants : Open to all Malaysian Chinese above 18 years old
Category : Men’s Doubles (Limited to 64 teams only)
Prizes : Champion (Gold Medal, RM 1,000)
: Runner Up (Silver Medal. RM 500)
: Third Placing (Bronze Medal, RM 300)
Fees : RM50 (Malaysian) per team for non MCA Member
: RM 20 (Malaysian) per team for MCA Member
Enrollement form is available at:
1) Pusat Perkhidmatan Ahli Parlimen Bdr Tun Razak, YB Datuk Tan Chai Ho, Taman Len Sen 2) The Challenger Sports Centre, Taman Connaught
Should you have any enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact:
William Lee (012-3781326), Melvin Lim (012-3123430), Wong (012-3867383) and Dick Chong (012-2017703)
Posted by
Melvin Lim
11:04 PM
Labels: Badminton tournament
Friday, September 21, 2007
Reward stands until ‘justice is served’
Nation Saturday September 22, 2007 (The Star)
PETALING JAYA: The RM20,000 reward for information leading to the killer of Nurin Jazlin Jazimin stands until “justice is served,” said Datuk Michael Chong.
The MCA Public Complaints and Services Department head said he would do everything in his power to bring the “animal” who brutally murdered and sexually abused the eight-year-old girl to justice.
The reward comes from the MCA and an anonymous donor, each contributing RM10,000.Chong urged those with information to call his assistant Mohd Ubaydi Mohd Noh (016-636 7333).
Posted by
Melvin Lim
5:10 PM
Labels: 000, Datuk Michael Chong, MCA, RM 10
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
欣喜, 隐忧, 悲哀
副首相拿督斯里纳吉表示,马华有必要向华社解释清楚马华在捍卫华社权益上所作出的种种努力,以让华社改变长期以来认为马华表现欠佳的错误印像 (摘自星洲日报16/9/2007)。
看了这则新闻,我百般感受在心头。如要将之归纳,应该可以归纳成为以下的3 大感受:-
1)欣喜 2)隐忧 3)悲哀
副首相在回应‘一些国阵成员党到处放火,马华却忙着四处救火’的课题时要马华向华社解释,不要让华社继续误解马华。我认为副首相只讲一半,没讲一半。那没讲的另一半应该是指示那些到处放火的国阵成员党马上停止这些不负责任的行为。依我之见,在国阵成员党里能够有足够资格‘到处放火’的屈指一算,也只有巫统而已。所以我认为在要求马华向华社解释之余,巫统也必须指示其干部立刻停止放火。只要不乱乱放火, 华社就不会被无辜的烧伤,也就不会迁怒于马华了。
Posted by
李義廉 (William Lee Ghee Liam)
1:32 AM
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Beautiful Malaysian Poetry
这是我从一封Forwarded Email 里收到的,大家看看:
This is a story about Malaysian society
Where the different races supposedly live in harmony
In 2003, came along a Prime Minister by the name of Dato' Seri Abdullah Badawi
Who led his party to a resounding election victory.
This is a PM whose promises are manyAll his slogans are equally catchy
As a result, many people are taken in completely
By his humble and Mr. Clean personality.
First among his chief promises is to combat corruption immediately
That has everyone applauding loudly
But until today, all the major cases are still one big mystery
Lack of evidence or is he fooling us secretly?
Not long after, he introduced Islam Hadhari
Some complained there is only one version of Islam from the Almighty
Anyway, what is it all about, no one knows exactly
Except for some broad points outlined in theory.
Then, he said we need to cut our budget deficit quickly
Which started the dismantling of Tun M's legacy
This caused us to hear about the crooked bridge flip flop story
With all the accusations, what is fiction and what is reality?
By his own admission, his son is extremely wealthy
Because he controls a listed company by the name of Scomi
Was once implicated in the shipment of banned components to a Middle Eastern country
But his son claimed ignorance and that's the end of the story.
He also has a son-in-law by the name of Khairy
Not elected but is UMNO Youth's deputy
Got entangled in the merged Avenue-ECM Libra entity
Which happened right under the nose of the PM-led Finance Ministry.
Then, we came across a foreign newspaper reporting factually
Of his adventure to see a yacht at a faraway place somewhere in Turkey
This is not true, he said insistently
But I don't see the newspaper issuing any apology.
Next, came the jet on the itineraryBought or leased,
he is lucky that Malaysians are not financially savvy
The jet is also for the Agong's use, he said publicly
I wonder whether the Agong requested for one specifically?
Later, we read of his holidays in an Australian city
Staying in a mansion owned by someone whom an old man named as Patrick Badawi
We shouldn't be so critical if he was only away temporarily
Except for the fact that there was a major flood in our own territory.
Then, we get the case of Proton disposing off a subsidiary
Not for a large amount but for a mere penny
Many think behind the deal something's very fishy
Tun M's pet project is certainly going awry.
Overall, crime rates are going up highly
Confidence in our police is at its lowest historically
But the IGP got his tenure extended easily
He must be thinking everything's hunky-dory.
He has also been busy launching economic regions lately
Trying to attract foreign investments into the country
Sadly, some are saying that the northern development is benefiting a crony
While others argue the southern one will end up as LKY's colony.
You see, I can go on and on about this indefinitely
Because it is easy and I do not need to create any of them individually
They are all plucked from the web where the stories about him is a plenty
From promoting judges unfairly to always being sleepy.
Actually, I am just an ordinary Malaysian who cares about her country
And I have to state that I am not against him or his policy
For I do not care who is the Perdana Menteri
As long as the person is capable and trustworthy.
Posted by
7:50 PM