Nation Saturday September 22, 2007 (The Star)
PETALING JAYA: The RM20,000 reward for information leading to the killer of Nurin Jazlin Jazimin stands until “justice is served,” said Datuk Michael Chong.
The MCA Public Complaints and Services Department head said he would do everything in his power to bring the “animal” who brutally murdered and sexually abused the eight-year-old girl to justice.
The reward comes from the MCA and an anonymous donor, each contributing RM10,000.Chong urged those with information to call his assistant Mohd Ubaydi Mohd Noh (016-636 7333).
Friday, September 21, 2007
Reward stands until ‘justice is served’
Posted by
Melvin Lim
5:10 PM
Labels: 000, Datuk Michael Chong, MCA, RM 10
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
欣喜, 隐忧, 悲哀
副首相拿督斯里纳吉表示,马华有必要向华社解释清楚马华在捍卫华社权益上所作出的种种努力,以让华社改变长期以来认为马华表现欠佳的错误印像 (摘自星洲日报16/9/2007)。
看了这则新闻,我百般感受在心头。如要将之归纳,应该可以归纳成为以下的3 大感受:-
1)欣喜 2)隐忧 3)悲哀
副首相在回应‘一些国阵成员党到处放火,马华却忙着四处救火’的课题时要马华向华社解释,不要让华社继续误解马华。我认为副首相只讲一半,没讲一半。那没讲的另一半应该是指示那些到处放火的国阵成员党马上停止这些不负责任的行为。依我之见,在国阵成员党里能够有足够资格‘到处放火’的屈指一算,也只有巫统而已。所以我认为在要求马华向华社解释之余,巫统也必须指示其干部立刻停止放火。只要不乱乱放火, 华社就不会被无辜的烧伤,也就不会迁怒于马华了。
Posted by
李義廉 (William Lee Ghee Liam)
1:32 AM
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Beautiful Malaysian Poetry
这是我从一封Forwarded Email 里收到的,大家看看:
This is a story about Malaysian society
Where the different races supposedly live in harmony
In 2003, came along a Prime Minister by the name of Dato' Seri Abdullah Badawi
Who led his party to a resounding election victory.
This is a PM whose promises are manyAll his slogans are equally catchy
As a result, many people are taken in completely
By his humble and Mr. Clean personality.
First among his chief promises is to combat corruption immediately
That has everyone applauding loudly
But until today, all the major cases are still one big mystery
Lack of evidence or is he fooling us secretly?
Not long after, he introduced Islam Hadhari
Some complained there is only one version of Islam from the Almighty
Anyway, what is it all about, no one knows exactly
Except for some broad points outlined in theory.
Then, he said we need to cut our budget deficit quickly
Which started the dismantling of Tun M's legacy
This caused us to hear about the crooked bridge flip flop story
With all the accusations, what is fiction and what is reality?
By his own admission, his son is extremely wealthy
Because he controls a listed company by the name of Scomi
Was once implicated in the shipment of banned components to a Middle Eastern country
But his son claimed ignorance and that's the end of the story.
He also has a son-in-law by the name of Khairy
Not elected but is UMNO Youth's deputy
Got entangled in the merged Avenue-ECM Libra entity
Which happened right under the nose of the PM-led Finance Ministry.
Then, we came across a foreign newspaper reporting factually
Of his adventure to see a yacht at a faraway place somewhere in Turkey
This is not true, he said insistently
But I don't see the newspaper issuing any apology.
Next, came the jet on the itineraryBought or leased,
he is lucky that Malaysians are not financially savvy
The jet is also for the Agong's use, he said publicly
I wonder whether the Agong requested for one specifically?
Later, we read of his holidays in an Australian city
Staying in a mansion owned by someone whom an old man named as Patrick Badawi
We shouldn't be so critical if he was only away temporarily
Except for the fact that there was a major flood in our own territory.
Then, we get the case of Proton disposing off a subsidiary
Not for a large amount but for a mere penny
Many think behind the deal something's very fishy
Tun M's pet project is certainly going awry.
Overall, crime rates are going up highly
Confidence in our police is at its lowest historically
But the IGP got his tenure extended easily
He must be thinking everything's hunky-dory.
He has also been busy launching economic regions lately
Trying to attract foreign investments into the country
Sadly, some are saying that the northern development is benefiting a crony
While others argue the southern one will end up as LKY's colony.
You see, I can go on and on about this indefinitely
Because it is easy and I do not need to create any of them individually
They are all plucked from the web where the stories about him is a plenty
From promoting judges unfairly to always being sleepy.
Actually, I am just an ordinary Malaysian who cares about her country
And I have to state that I am not against him or his policy
For I do not care who is the Perdana Menteri
As long as the person is capable and trustworthy.
Posted by
7:50 PM
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Police to nab speedsters in Putrajaya
PUTRAJAYA: Motorists who have treated the roads in the administrative capital as a racing track had better think twice about doing it starting next week.
Fed up with the increasing number of road accidents here, the police have decided to place speed traps and summon errant motorists on the spot.
Putrajaya OCPD Supt Abdul Razak Abdul Majid said most motorists have not adhered to the 70km speed limit because the roads here were similar to highways.
"But Putrajaya is a town just like other towns where the speed limit is 70km, so everyone has to abide by it or be served RM300 summonses," he said, adding that the speed trap to start next week would first target public transportation.
The operation, he said, would be continuous.
Speaking to reporters here Wednesday, Supt Abdul Razak said 90% of accidents occurred due to human error and that the roads could not be blamed as they were well maintained.
"There are also cases of motorists meeting with accidents on their own as they were speeding and lost control of their vehicle," he said.
Police statistics show that there were 523 road accident cases between January and September last year; this year, for the same duration, there was an increase of 140 cases, with a total of 663 cases.
"Of the 663 cases, three were fatal, 15 involved serious injuries while 21 recorded minor injuries," he said, adding that the number of vehicles involved in accidents last year was 616 against this year's statistics of 835.
Supt Abdul Razak also said that police patrolling had been intensified with seven groups patrolling by car, four groups by motorcycle and two groups of beat patrol.
Posted by
Melvin Lim
11:03 PM
Friday, September 7, 2007
多源流学校是各族团结的绊脚石 - 你怎么说?
月漏论的其中一位主角, 巫统马六甲野新区国会议员, YB拿督莫哈莫赛益在2007年9月3日又再次语不惊人死不休, 在国会辩论议案时促请政府以宏愿学校或单一源流学校来取代目前的多源流学校, 以促进国民团结, 并指出现有的多源流学校导致学生们无法交融, 并成为各族团结的绊脚石. (摘自星洲日报4/9/2007)
我对这样的论调感到厌烦, 更对这为'尊贵'的国会议员感到失望. 我国独立了50年至今, 一直以来都是以多源流学校的制度教育一代又一代的国家主人翁. 这这个制度下, 各个民族不但能以彼此都明白的语文进行沟通, 更是能互相了解各自的文化背景, 互相尊重大家的生活习俗; 大家紧紧团结在一起共同建立一个具有多源文化特色的马来西亚. 这个特色使到我们骄傲的站在国际舞台上, 成为光荣的马来西亚人.
今天这位YB道出的这番言论, 指多源流学校是各族团结的绊脚石, 很显然的暴露出了他对我国多元种族, 多元文化的社会结构一点都不了解. 这也让我看出他心胸狭窄, 毫无远见. 这样的人民代仪士说实在是不适合站在国家最高的立法机构(国会)参与制定国家议程及政策.
依我之见, 真正无法团结我国各个民族的并不是多源流学校的制度, 而是那些动不动就挑起种族敏感课题, 那些不顾全大局道出种族输赢论, 那些我行我素公开手持短剑引起其他种族不满 的这些政客.
Posted by
李義廉 (William Lee Ghee Liam)
8:37 AM
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
主办单位:马青总团干训局政说馆全国理事会, 雪兰莪州马青巴生区团联办
收费: 学生每人RM80, 成人RM120, 5人报名,第6位免费(包膳食和住宿)
节目: 激励,时事,口才课程及一系列的节目包括夜间郊外探险,瀑布戏水还有各类的活动。
报名截至日期: 9月15日
自备交通(在BATU CAVES 的GIANT霸级市场集合)
服装: 轻便服装(SMART CASUAL),运动装,适合游泳的服装, 包鞋,拖鞋, 日常配备及一些所
(i)陈万庆 012-4691020
(ii)林飞燕 016-2057412
(iii)曾立芸 013-3901746
(iv) 韩美珍 0122710617
Posted by
xiong xiong
11:41 PM
“青年庆祝国家独立50周年 -女青年工作坊 跨州中文汽车寻宝游戏”
各位热爱寻宝活动的朋友们!这里又有一个新的寻宝活动,不过这个活动与上一次的有所不同,因为这次的是汽车寻宝(更紧张刺激哦)!日期是:( 2007年9月22日-23日/ 吉隆坡 - 馬六甲 )有兴趣的朋友请查阅一下详情:
(1) 簡 介 Introduction
這項活動是由马华妇女组女青年工作坊主辦,休閑一族Take A Break Events策劃,其宗旨為提升国内青年爱国情操,鼓励青年朋友参与国庆庆典以及国家独立50年庆典活动,提升青年对于国家独立50年建国之路的认识及醒觉,并推廣純中文尋寶,旅遊以及提高公眾的道路安全意識。
This event is organized by BeliaWanis MCA. The objectives for the event are to cultivate spirit of patriotism in Malaysian youths; to raise the awareness of Malaysian youths with relation to Malaysia’s Independence process– Merdeka; to encourage Malaysian youths’ participation in the celebration of 50 years nationhood and nation building and also to promote Chinese Treasure Hunt, Tourism and raise public awareness on road safety.
(2) 報 名 Registration
Target participants: 200 pax (50 cars)
Every car will have a minimum of 2 participants and not more than 4 participants,
those who have not registered will not be entitled to participate.
Due date for registration will be 18 September 2007, organizer reserved the rights
for final decision.
(3) 報 名 費 Registration Fee
每位参加者报名费为 RM130 (非马华党员) RM100 (马华党员)。
所有参加者,3 人一房。
Fees inclusive of Accommodation, Dinner, Breakfast and group insurance.
Registration fees for each participant is RM130 (non-MCA member) and
RM100 (MCA Member).
All participants will be sharing: 3 pax per room.
(4) 尋 寶 日 期 / 出 發 地 點 / 匯 報/揮 旗 時 間 Details of Treasure Hunt
事前汇报会 Briefing session
2007年9月19日/ 地点:马华大厦12楼培训室
19 September 2007 / Level 12 MCA
Registration 7.00pm / Briefing 7.30pm
寻宝挥旗礼 Flag Off Session
2007年9月22日 /出發地點: 马华大厦门前停车场
早上7 時正報到,7時30分匯報 /早上8時正揮旗出發
22 September 2007 / Wisma MCA Main Entrance
Registration 7.00am / Briefing 7.30am / Flag Off 8.00am
(5) 主 辦、協 辦 單 位 有 權 利 行 使 其 以 下 權 利 Organiser Reserved the Rights to
(a) 在少過100名參加者,或發生無可預知事件的情況下,有權擱置、取消展延這項活動。 任何索儈恕不受理。
(b) 經過檢查后,有權取消任何人或車輛的參賽權。
(c) 有權取消任何參与者因為健康間題,食用酒精或毒品的參賽權。
(d) 任何隊伍的人數如果多于原來的報名人數,其參賽資格將被取消。
(e) 主辦當局保留臨時更改贈品与任何有關活動日期及時間的最后決定。
(f) 參賽表格得由主辦、協辦單位所委的評判小組決定,所有抗議均不受理。
Reject any participants.
(a) Under the circumstance where less than 100 registered participants, under unforeseen circumstances, to cancel or postpone the above activities. Any demand of compensation will not be entertained.
(b) After checking, reject any participants’ or car’s participation in the hunt.
(c) The rights to reject the participation of anyone due to health problems, drugs usage or alcohol drinking.
(d) Any team with more than the registered number of participants, its participation rights will be void.
(e) Organizer reserved the final rights to amend or change the prizes and any of the programme and timing when it seems fit.
(f) All participation forms will be decided final by the organiser’s panel of judges.
(6) 路 線 指 標 / 問 題 / 寶 物 Treasure Hunt Route Map / Questions
Participants will receive a Treasure Hunt Route Map and Treasure Hunt Questions on Hunt Day itself. All questions and Map will be in Mandarin. All Treasures must be stored in a plastic bag (self-prepared), and hand over to the person in charge upon arrival to destination.
(7) 隊 伍 人 數 Team Members
Every team will have at least 2 adult members, to a maximum of 4 participants.
(8) 鑒 定 完 成 者 Identify Completed participants
Only under the circumstances where the participant attend briefing, and arrived at the destination within the time specified and hand over the answers to the person in charge can they be identify as completion of hunt.
(9) 詢 問 Enquiries
Ricky Koo 電話 019-338 3332。
Please pay cash personally. In case of any enquiries, please contact Mr Ricky Koo at 019-3383332.
Posted by
11:24 PM
Hundreds seek services of prostitutes at KL ‘sex alley’
FOREIGNERS continue to swarm the alley behind Jalan Petaling in Kuala Lumpur seeking the services of prostitutes.
Harian Metro reported yesterday that it was a normal occurrence for hundreds of foreigners to gather in the alley like they were having a “sex party” there.
It said that the 200m-stretch of prostitute dens, believed to be the oldest in Kuala Lumpur, was filled with Myanmars, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Indonesians and Nepalese.
In a three-hour check by the tabloid, it found that charges were as low as RM40, which caused some foreigners to be willing to queue in long lines for their turn.
They were seen crowding the area from as early as 8am.
The area became busier at 11am, when they entered the dens in groups.
The tabloid said that while the customers were made up of foreigners, the prostitutes were locals.
It added that customers came from as far as Hulu Selangor, Malacca, Perak and Seremban for “entertainment,” and to meet up with friends from the same country.
Posted by
Melvin Lim
6:04 AM
Labels: Bangladeshis, Foreigners, Indonesians and Nepalese, Jalan Petaling, Kuala Lumpur, Myanmars, Pakistanis, prostitutes, sex party
Government servants can take five years’ unpaid maternity leave
KUALA LUMPUR: Women civil servants can now opt to take a total of five years' unpaid leave to look after their children.
Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, who announced this after opening the 12th Civil Service Conference here yesterday, said the Cabinet approved this last week.
“The current leave is 90 days (for each child) but some may decide that their priority in life is to take care of the children, so this will allow them (to do so),” he said.
While it is generally viewed as a nice gesture, several people interviewed were cautious about the move, saying that it might not be practical to leave work for longer than needed.
At present, women civil servants can take maternity leave of 60 days with full pay five times during their tenure of employment.
After the 60 days, they can opt for 90 days' unpaid leave to look after their child.
The unpaid leave must start on the 61st day and any portion of the 90 days not used is automatically forfeited.
Najib said Public Service Department director-general Tan Sri Ismail Adam was expected to sign the circular in the next couple of days.
“The leave can be broken up, which means they can take one or two years for the first child, and another one or two years for the next child, but not exceeding five years,” Najib said.
He said those who opted for the five years' leave would get three “notional increments,” so they would only lose out on two increments.
“The three notional increments will be given within the five years as an increment to the salary they were getting before they took the long leave.
“For example, if the notional increment is RM50 for a certain post, at the end of the five years, they would receive RM150 on top of their salary once they return to work,” he said.
Najib said the maximum of five years was decided upon because longer absence from work would affect the civil servants' competency level and manpower planning.
“We want to provide this flexibility for women in the civil service who want to give more attention to the care of their children.
“This is in line with the Government’s objective to ensure that attention is given to children's early education because with proper guidance, nurturing and love, the children will become better people,” he said.
Posted by
Melvin Lim
6:01 AM
Sunday, September 2, 2007
主办单位:马青总团干训局政说馆全国理事会, 雪兰莪州马青巴生区团联办
收费: 每人RM120(包膳食和住宿)
节目: 激励,时事,口才课程及一系列的节目包括夜间郊外探险,瀑布戏水还有各类的活动。
报名截至日期: 9月15日自备交通(在BATU CAVES 的GIANT霸级市场集合)
服装: 轻便服装(SMART CASUAL),运动装,适合游泳的服装, 包鞋,拖鞋, 日常配备及一些所
(i)陈万庆 012-4691020
(ii)林飞燕 016-2057412
(iii)曾立芸 013-3901746
(iv) 韩美珍 0122710617
Posted by
xiong xiong
3:28 AM